Hello, hello. It’s good to see all of your smiling faces. Well, OK, I can’t see anyone’s face. I can see my computer screen and I'm assuming that upon reading this, your face will change from its sullen wilt into a beaming smile. So. I’ve decided to start a new blog for music stuff. A place where my thoughts, opinions and rage can find a home seeing as how they’ve been without one for sometime now. I thought for my first post I would outline the Five Year Plan for you. Don’t worry, the only casualties of this plan will be a few people’s egos and they’ll probably never read my blog anyways. So on to business.
What Happened To The Old Blog:
At the end of my senior year of high school I pretty much thought I’d run out of things to say and was confusedly trying to divide my time between writing for my blog and writing for Three Imaginary Girls. I found I couldn’t really do both very well at all and eventually just stopped writing all together. This didn’t make me happy but it freed me up to work on other projects and getting into college (which turned out to be successful.)
Meanwhile, I was further distressed by other friends of mine whose writing seemed to be taking off while mine felt spent. I also started questioning whether or not my opinions were relevant. I can’t keep up with all the new music coming out and people have already written about everything else so what the fuck am I supposed to do? Turn to Pitchfork? No. While I searched for an answer the writing continued to not happen.
I’m in no way, shape or form blaming other people for my problems. I stopped writing because of my own self-doubt. I feel really stupid about that now. 2009 was a great year musically speaking and I missed my chance to throw my opinion into the mix. But I’ve come to some realizations about my writing, music and people that factor into the creation of this new blog.
What The Blog Is and Isn’t:
This new blog is going to be a place for me to do what I want whenever I want with my writings in relation to music. It’s not going to be a news feed, meaning I won’t simply be talking up what’s current. I could do that if I really wanted to but I don’t, and besides if you want to know the latest you can always go read Pitchfork or Pretzel Logic or something. This blog is going to be for me to express my opinions on things I think should be talked about (like every blog ever.) I hear tons of music everyday that most people overlook or that simply needs more attention. Not everything I listen to is obscure, but I’ve recently realized just how fringe a lot of my taste in music is and how much I hate mainstream music… OK, that last part was hardly a revelation but you get the point.
I have hundreds of albums, artists, shows and ideas I want to share and I figure I should start doing that again. I guess that something I’m trying to do is get back to something purer. I feel my music writing isn’t very good when put under pressure and so I’m going back to a realm where the stakes are low to say the least. Another important thing of note: I’m going to be doing this mostly alone and by that I mean without an official editor. This doesn’t mean the work will be sloppy. It just means it’ll be a bit rawer than it was near the end. I’ll still do my best to edit pieces and make sure that they’ve been given the once; twice or however many times over I feel they need. Due to my schedule I will most likely be publishing pieces only once a week and probably on weekends because that’s when I have the most time. Above all else, I need this to be fun for me because I need something that relaxes me and makes me happy.
I’m not trying to be a professional music analyst right now (I’m trying to be a professional actor… I know, pretty insane huh?) I just want to share my two cents and have some fun doing it. There probably isn’t going to be much introduction to the blog besides this mission statement, I’m just going to pick up where I left off in May 2009.
So be prepared.
Facebook will function as a way to alert people when there’s a new post but aside from that I’m not going to be sending out alert e-mails like I did with the last blog. That got really annoying really fast. I’ll probably start out by publishing some pieces I wrote over the summer that never found a home, which also gives me time to write up some more stuff. I’m going to continue my policy of no rating systems and full reviews, but I’m going to use this as an opportunity to try some new stuff. And just so we’re clear, this is a blog for writing, not Mediafire. If you want the music you’ll have to get it yourself. I will try to link to places where you can listen to the music sometimes though. OK, I think I’ve successfully covered what this blog is and isn’t.
What I Want You To Do:
Be prepared. Read the blog. Listen to the music. Comment. Ask questions. Tell me if you think I’m right; tell me if you think I’m wrong. Don’t be a jerk. Love everybody. Make them feel good about themselves. I know I can’t make you do those last three but I can always ask.
Ready? Let’s Go.
Special Thanks:
Sean. Sasha. The Heckler. Alex. Murren. Jessa. Ben. Simon. Liana. Anyone who read the last blog, even if you only read it once. If you'd like to see the old one, here's a link to it: The Third Rail.
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