This isn’t a review; it’s just some random collected thoughts. As such, I’m not going to be recording myself reading it, that bit of fun will be reserved for bigger posts.
Anyways, where was I?
Seeing as how it is the nature of this blog to talk about music I like, I thought I’d share with you something not strictly a record review. One of my very favorite bands (if not my favorite band) is Nine Inch Nails. Last year Trent Reznor (the man behind it all) announced that the upcoming tours that year would be NIN ‘s very last. At first this brought dismay as I’d only seen them live once and they put on an incredible live show. But you learn to accept things eventually and I got to see the band for my second and last time at Sasquatch Festival last year and say goodbye as it were. This, coupled with the fact that Reznor has said that he’ll continue in music, allowed me to get over the whole thing. So here’s the deal. While we’re waiting for Reznor to drop the next NIN record or his possible up-coming collaboration with Gary Numan (!!!) I thought I’d turn our attention to some cool things to come out in recent years under the NIN banner.
-The Slip
NIN’s most recent album, The Slip is a superb record that Trent released for FREE and you can still get it for FREE. The album is split into three sections: Three aggressive songs, three downbeat songs and three experimental songs. If you are at all curious about NIN or already a fan, there is no reason not to click the link and download this excellent record right now.
-Ghosts I-IV
At 36 tracks and 110:09, Ghosts I-IV is by far the longest NIN release out there. It’s also entirely instrumental and Reznor’s most collaborative work, featuring such luminaries as Adrian Belew (of King Crimson) and Brian Viglione (of The Dresden Dolls,) among others. For $5 you can download all 36 tracks. That (while not being quite as nice as FREE) is a deal.
-This One Is On Us
This One Is On Us is website dedicated to releasing high quality fan produced NIN live material. They’re responsible for bringing us audio of the Lights In The Sky Tour as well as The Downward Spiral Live at Webster Hall. For being entirely fan run, the stuff they release is pretty fantastic. They’ve just recently finished up work on The Gift, the live video of The Lights In The Sky Tour. Here’s a link:
Also here’s their Myspace.
And Website.
And, finally, the band’s Youtube.
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